Monday, April 15, 2013

Golden puffle and hot pink puffle? Theory almost proven.

For years there has been rumors of a hot pink puffle, golden puffle, and dark blue puffle. Those three have almost been proven. Even lime green puffle. Of course, the lime green puffle and dark blue puffles haven't had any background idea to prove it. But the hot pink and golden ones yes. In an old PSA mission, a golden puffle was used as bait. Of course, this was just a fake and was faked to actually be a treasure. A few years ago, the puffle party logo included a color of every puffle. This but an extra color. Hot pink. So, here's the reason we think these puffles might come. What do you think? Tell us in the comments. Remember, it is unlikely there will be a new puffle though. Cp has confirmed that they would no longer be adding to the amount of puffles to adopt, meaning, only 20 adoptions and 15 pets if you include the new four ones. Of course, we all have seen weird puffle hybrids. Could these be some raccoon puffle hats died purple and turned into a fur coating? Maybe. What d you think? -fishmr

Ps. Am I the n,y one who saw an extra dark green one too? Tell us in the comments.

Check out our post by captainobi called New Puffles!

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